

All kids are stinkers now and then





All kids are stinkers now and then

Earlier this week, I shared a sugar cookie recipe made with Greek Yogurt. Here is yet another Greek yogurt recipe for you…

I’m a part of a mom’s group at my church. We meet once a month, and the purpose of the group is to encourage each other as we navigate through this huge, daunting task we call motherhood. We compare experiences we have with our kids, like who’s baby has what teeth at what age, and how so-and-so managed to potty-train her almost two-year old, and how much screen time do you think is too much Barolo?

Even though there is all this comparison going on, we work really hard to keep the culture of our group open to differences without judgement. When our kids act like stinkers, we extend grace to each other and recognize that these are not defining moments vacuum bag.

All kids are stinkers now and then, right?

It’s really comforting to be surrounded by other women who understand what your daily life looks like. Other women who know that despite our best efforts, some toddlers just really want to play in the toilet!

We also take turns bringing breakfast to share with each other. I love this part because I get to try out so many great new recipes all in one place. This month I brought banana bread and tried subbing Greek yogurt for the sour cream my usual recipe calls for. Total success– this is the banana bread recipe I grew up on and I could not detect any difference whatsoever.

I actually made two batches to bring– one with nuts, and one with chocolate chips. I noted the changes in recipe below stainless steel tea travel mug.



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